Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement
To achieve the Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California’s (HFSC) mission, we believe that we must be aware, supportive, and inclusive of the unique needs of the community members we serve; striving to learn and deliver programs that are representative of the information and input shared by our diverse community members. We will promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the communities we serve by encouraging the free and open exchange of ideas between people of diverse backgrounds. Our organizational culture will value all people and foster an environment of respect, openness, integrity, honesty, and accessibility. HFSC’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion will be evident in our organizational structure, operations, policies, procedures, board of directors, staff members, volunteers, organizational goals, and vision. We believe these actions will help us create our foundation of community and belonging, and organizational culture that values, embraces and celebrates diversity, equity, and inclusion; ultimately leading the HFSC to become the premiere chapter within our global bleeding disorders community.
Approved: May 2019