Our 2024 Women’s Retreat is currently SOLD OUT
If you would like to be added to the Waitlist, please contact Omar Torres – omar@hemosocal.org or call the HFSC office at 626-765-6656.
Thank you!
Join us for our Annual Women’s Retreat at the Sheraton Grand Downtown Los Angeles!
For all women (and those who identify as women) and teen girls ages 11+ with bleeding disorders as well as spouses/partners, caregivers/parents to those with bleeding disorders.
In order to create a special space for women and teens, please refrain from bringing children to the event as there is not childcare provided at this event outside the Teen programming.
AGENDA (subject to change)
11:00AM: Booths Open, Registration
12:15PM: Lunch & Plenary Presentation
1:30PM: Breakout Session 1
2:45PM: Breakout Session 2
3:45PM: Afternoon break; Check-In at Hotel
5:30PM: Booths Open and Evening Reception
6:30PM: Dinner & Plenary Presentation
8:00PM: Event Concludes for Evening
8:30AM: Booths open
9:30AM: Breakfast & Plenary Presentation
11:00AM: Event Concludes; Hotel Check-Out